Wednesday 5 November 2008

Bara Brith

before cooking (above)

Sarah sent me this recipe for Bara Brith (Welsh fruit cake). You soak dried fruit in tea in a large bowl overnight, then sift in flour and spice, mix in sugar and lightly beaten egg, cook for one and a half hours at 150 deg C, and then supposedly store for at least 2 days before eating (no chance!!)

500 g mixed dried fruit and peel (I used just sultanas and currants)
300 ml strong hot tea
250 g self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
125 g dark brown muscovado sugar (I used 70 g soft brown sugar)
1 egg

It's lovely and squidgy and fruity. At the moment it's still warm and the outside is crusty. Would be lovely as a Christmas cake for people who find traditional Christmas cake too heavy and rich. Later I'm going to try a slice spread with butter.


  1. Arista that looks gorgeous, I'm sorry I hadn't realised earlier you were blogging. I'll add you to my blogroll.

  2. This looks lovely, very similar I think to an Irish Barm Brack.
    I too did not know about your blog.
    Consider yourself added to mine too.

  3. Looks lovely. Just like the tea loaf recipe I have. Yours looks so lovely and fruity

  4. I love this fruit cake. I always think "it's ok it's low fat" then spread it thickly in butter, lol.
    I never knew you were blogging either, it looks great!
