Sunday 1 November 2009

One Bowl Chocolate Pudding

I've read about the mug chocolate cake before, and the other day I saw it on The Saucy Onion blog and decided to try it. Mine worked well, even though it overflowed.

Later that day I made another one, this time in a breakfast bowl using double the recipe, and it also worked well, and there was enough for all of us to have a little serve with cream.

Stir dry ingredients in a bowl.

Add eggs, oil, vanilla and milk...

...and blend together to make a batter.

Put in the microwave on high - mine took just under 3 minutes, but this will vary between ovens. (I checked mine after 2 mins and decided it could do with a little bit longer.)

A little unusual-looking, but it looks like the real thing when you scoop some out...

Not bad when you consider it took a bowl, a spoon, a few ingredients and 2 and a bit minutes in the microwave!

And really it's more of a pudding than a cake - you scoop some out and put it in a bowl rather than slicing it up.

Below are the ingredients for a small bowl; halve the amounts for a mug cake.

8 tbsp plain flour
8 tbsp granulated sugar
4 tbsp cocoa
2 eggs
6 tbsp full-cream milk
4 tbsp olive oil
splash of vanilla essence


  1. As you know I am not convinced by this recipe Arista from a textural point of view, but my children loved it:) I am impressed with it's ease, and in fact, can see many people finding a reason to make it:D Perhaps serving it with cream everything's better with cream I recon;)

  2. I wasn't expecting much, so I suppose I was pleasantly surprised by it. I think ice cream or custard would be good too. My children keep asking me when I'm going to make it again!

  3. Hehe, I should extend my previous comment as I certainly agree that everything also tastes better with ice cream and custard;) The pity with microwave cooking, I think, is that while it is all easy, the children can't cook because everything gets so blimmin hot. If it didn't you could ask THEM when they will make it again;)

  4. For an express pudding to make, it sounds delicious!

  5. Looks good! If you want to make it again I have a recipe on my blog and everyone that has tried it has loved it :)

  6. Thanks Lorraine, I found your cake
    I'll try the baking powder next time
