Friday, 10 April 2009

Hot Cross Buns

This is the first time I've made hot cross buns, and they turned out quite well!

I have to admit I wouldn't have bothered with any decoration if I hadn't been taking photos, but I think the crosses worked out reasonably well too! I just 'drew' them on in flour paste with the edge of a small palette knife.

I normally would use fresh yeast but I ran out, so I used the instant yeast and it worked fine.

500 g bread flour
2 tsp easy blend yeast
100 g sugar
pinch salt
2 tsp or more of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves (mostly cinnamon)
3/4 cup sultanas, soaked
40 g butter, melted
250 ml milk, lukewarm
2 eggs, lightly beaten

paste for crosses:
1/3 cup flour
4 tbsp water

Happy Easter!


  1. Looking good Arista. What a clever idea painting on the crosses

  2. Well yes they do look great for being your first time , Happy Easter!

  3. They look great! It's so rewarding making your own :) Happy Easter!

  4. Happy Easter to you all too :o)
