Monday, 5 April 2010

Big Jelly

This isn't a recipe, but it's something I make for family get-togethers.

I use a 3 litre Pyrex bowl, and buy six packets of jelly. I've found that lime and raspberry are the favourite flavours, so I always use two each of those, and add one or two other brightly-coloured flavours (here I used lemon/lime and orange).

I start the jelly at least one day before it's needed, by making up a double amount of one flavour (a total of 1 litre) and leave to set in the fridge. I prop a folded-up teatowel under one side to tilt it as this makes it look a little more interesting from the outside (mainly for me - I'm sure no-one else really notices!) - but for the last layer I allow it to sit flat so the top is even.

Every few hours, after each layer has set, I add the next layer until all the jelly is used.

A half-demolished Easter Sunday Big Jelly.


  1. This would go down really well at a kiddies birthday party!

  2. What a fun pud! I haven't had jelly for years, must have some for old times sake! Lucie x

  3. Oh I better not show this to Mr NQN, he is a jelly monster and he'd beg me for one straight away! :P

  4. How pretty is that. I love jelly and I love evaporated milk over it LOL x

  5. So pretty! My partner sometimes makes this for special occasions too :)
